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This is a wake-up call that we are about to experience
another 9/11-WMD experience.
Intelligent observers are puzzled that President Bush is
persisting in a futile and unpopular war at the obvious
expense of his party’s electoral chances in 2008.
Isn’t it more likely that Cheney and Rove have in mind
events that will, once again, rally the people behind
President Bush and the Republican Party that is fighting
the “war on terror” that the Democrats “want
to lose”?
Such events could take a number of forms. As even
diehard Republican Patrick J. Buchanan
observed on July 17, with
three US aircraft carrier battle groups in congested
waters off Iran, another Tonkin Gulf incident could
easily be engineered to set us at war with Iran.
Alternatively, false flag “terrorist” strikes
could be orchestrated in the US.
It is possible that
the administration could provoke some groups to actual
acts of violence.